Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Preparing to Leave

With only 92 days left before I depart for the seminars in Washington D.C. I am experiencing a mixture of emotions. There is so much still left for me to do; finish this semester, create a packing list. make sure everything is in order at home. It is almost enough to make me wish I had more time. Not to mention trying to schedule time to meet with those close to me and get the quality time I will so deeply miss while abroad. At the same time I am so anxious to depart and begin this amazing adventure. The thrill of being in a new place and a completely new environment is drawing me in and making it seem like July will never get here. 

It is by far the most interesting feeling that I have ever experienced, a moment with such an Intense Joy and Deep Depression. What keeps me optimistic, and joyful about all this? what has made me press forward even when the thought of leaving was unbearable? The answer is the same as the problem. When I finally go I will leave behind such an amazing group of people. The friends and family that have pushed me and supported me through the process.