Monday, July 14, 2014

The End of an Adventure; A Reflection on An Amazing Year.

So here it is my friends, 348 days after arriving in Germany, it is time to say goodbye. This is truly a harder experience than it was leaving the US to come here. When I cam eI at least knew how long I would be away. 

I wrote a reflection blog when I left Radolfzell so I will be skipping that time and starting when I got to Münster.

The best part of my year started on the platform of the HBF. That was when I met my host family, and to be honest they are so much more than that. One of the first thing that the said was that I was part of the family, and boy did I feel it. I could have never done the things I did here without their help and guidance. I made so many good friends here as well; Johannas and Anika, Simon and Felix, The Reiselfelder family. I'm truly going to miss you all. 

Living abroad gave me such a new outlook on life. I believe that everyone should have to do at least a semester abroad, to see the world and a new point of view. I can say that this year has changed me. Being able to find myself, the true me, open my heart again, and see a new outlook on life. I have become new customs and ideas, sadly I'm not even sure what they are yet. I won't be able to really see them until I'm back in the states and people are asking why I do that. The things that are normal here will be different in the US. 

Research has said that when someone doesn't experience culture shock coming to a new place that they will have it twice as hard going back. I hope that this is not the case for me. That I can easily reintegrate into my home life. The mountains are calling to me,  the creeks are bubbling and its time to come home. 

Home, I have to say that now I have two, and that one day I will return to Germany, to Münster, To my friends. 

Deutchsland Ich Leibe dich, und ich werde zurick zu kommen. Meine plan steht fast das die sommer uber next, woll ich im Münster stehen. 

I know this is very choppy of a blog, I am actually having trouble expressing myself.

So what is to come, what does the future hold?

After I get home the world is open to me;

SCHOOL; I will be staying in the area for another year to finish my associates degree, and take the last courses that will transfer. Then it is off to VCU to start my bachelors program. I'm still going for a forensic science degree and probably have another 3 years to achieve my double bachelors in Chemical/Biological Toxicological Forensic Science. Then its off to the wide working world, and who knows where that will take me. 

Work; I'll once again return to the Gemeinschaft Home and work in Criminal Re-entry. I will continue to be the unofficial sobriety coach of several ex residents and enjoy watching their progress. 

Life; I will be moving back into Moms house for the time. There is a prospect of me getting a small trailer and living semi independently there, but that is just a thought right now. I am ready to get back to my friends and the experiences that we will share. Weather it be the simple hookah nights or an extravagant trip to ComicCon I can't wait to get under ways. I also plan to continue my healthy lifestyle that I found here. I'm looking into biking to various places, going to a gym, and I still plan to run a tough mudder eventually. 

Love; I'm still not sure where this will go, there was so much that changed in this past year. Only time and God can tell. But I will say that I believe that my prayers and questions are starting to be answered. 

This blog ended up shorted than I thought it would be, but I may just be distracted on my last day in Münster. 

well if you will excuse me, I'm of to finish preparing to leave, see you soon,

Cody A Glick

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