Monday, October 14, 2013

Herr Glick The Teacher, The Student, The intern, and The Hunter From the Sticks.

This past week began my internship with the GiestSchule (spirit school), which is a local Hauptschule. The German school system is set up very different than that of the US.

For the most part we are use to the layout of Pre-k, Kindergarten, Elementary School (1-5), Middle school/Junior High (6-8), and Senior High School (9-12). It is extremely possible to be in classes with the same people all the way from PreK to Graduation. This is actually true in my case I can think of one Girl (Shana) in particular who started at Tender Touch Day Care the same day I did, and then 13 years later walked across the same stage to graduate. We go to the same buildings for school regardless of our academic ability. There is debate amongst the US if the system resembles this....

However The German system is a little more complicated to look at. For one you actually don't really learn in the Kindergarten, its more of a daycare.  The Grundschule (elementary school) only lasts till the fourth grade and then the Students are split. This split is said to be based on academic ability. 
 With the smarter more able students going to the Gymnasio, getting the Arbitur, and eventually graduating University. The average Students go to realshuler (ree *al*shoe* ler) where classes are more career based. They still get more in depth looks at theory and such, but have a practicum (internship/journeyman's program) into the working world. Then there are the less than average students and students who have moved to Germany and don't speak german. For them there is the Hauptschule, this school focuses on life skills. These students take the core classes we all did in school, but once they reach the 10th grade begin to look into a career and begin practical learnings.    

German school lay out.

Yo will notice another box on the map. This is the gesamtschule, this school is no longer used in Germany. It mirrored the US system and the Germans just didn't like the way it worked.

So what is my job. I work with a Social Worker and a teacher. My work with the social worker so far included "crisis intervention," and working with a group called "Rock Your Life." The crisis intervention was nothing compared to what I dealt with while in the gemeinschaft home. Simply an issue that a class was picking on a member of the class.... I think, there were to many people speaking german in one place for me to follow exactly what was going on, but I think I got the just of it. Rock Your Life is a group like Big Brothers Big Sisters, it pairs college students with some kids to give them inspiration to stay out of trouble and make something better for themselves. The guy that runs this is like a celebrity when he walks on campus everyone knows him and wants to talk to him.  

Rock Your Life event. 

On that note, I feel like a celebrity at this school. All the teachers are interested to have me come to there class and have me speak with their students. About the US on different topics, Zum Beispiel, my first day I ended up in a Geography class speaking about Larger Cities in the US (specifically DC). As I introduced myself the students seem only slightly interested. Then I say "Ich komme aus den USA." The entire class gets wide eyed and goes "Ohh Ahh."

I can't get this gif to load but heres how it looked.

 After that the planned lecture was diverted with questions about my home, way of life, what we do for fun, and so forth. The next day I was in a class of kids along 16-17 years old. The guys were interested in the cars we drive, if I have guns, if I hunt and so forth.

Tomorrow I actually am going on a field trip with a class, why because in a couple days I will go to their class and tell them about VA and the US in an English class. So it's a chance to get to know some of them.

As I walk down the hallways of the school I notice more and more students saying "Guten Morgen/ Hallo/ Wie Geht es Sie Herr Cody/Glick. Talk about weird... I have never been Mr. Glick and just Mr. makes me feel odd. The school has an interesting atmosphere, it is much more relaxed. The teachers are not stuck to the strict dress code of the states, there literally where jeans and T shirts every day. At first I was surprised, but I've notice the students are more likely to approach A teacher. Of course its great for me, no need for slacks.

The internship took a lot out of me this week and I hadn't gotten into much else this week after classes let out. I did decide to ride to a bookstore on Tuesday and see what I could find. I need to get a book to read on trains/busses, over lunch and between classes. I'd like it to be In german so I can enhance my vocabulary but I don't know where to start; the suicide in me wants to start with Game of thrones auf Deutsch.
The Men from Winterfell

But after reading the first two pages and needing a dictionary every two sentences, I decided against it. The problem I have is it needs to keep my attention, be a good read, that doesn't require a dictionary for every other word. Plus I'm going to want to bring the books home with me and the game of thrones is 14 large books for the entire series. Thats my entire suitcase. If you have suggestions please comment below. 

Today Is my host brother Felix's, Birthday, he turned 22. A few days after I moved in he moved out into his own flat, so he had his party there and I was invited. He has a tradition to watch an old film...

Honestly couldn't tell you what the movie was about. Not because I couldn't understand the German, but because there were a group of 11 of us. Eventually all the german around me became one blob of confusion. I tried to focus on one conversation at a time but with everyone jumping in and out I just got myself tangled in at least 3 conversations. 

Anyway the Feuerzangenbowle is actually a kind of warm drink. I took some pictures of ours but figure these pictures are a little better and easier to explain. 

So the way it works; you begin by filling the base with red wine and spices. Then heating it, after its warm you lay the cone made of sugar over the top on a special holder. Now pour a minimum of 65% rum over the cone. Light rum on fire. The fire burns off a little of the alcohol and melts the sugar. once the sugar is melted serve. 

The drink was wonderful the Rum gave the wine a delicious kick and the spices were cooked in. I will definitely be making this when I get home.

The only other eventful thing that has happened actually happened today. My host dad Put me in contact with a really nice guy, Herr Hochhäuse. He is in charge of the landesbetrieb wald und holz, or simply the forestry service. 

I was upset when I found out that it would be nearly impossible to get a hunting or fishing license in Germany. The Process requires a 2 day seminar in Berlin. Day 1; class room training and written test. Day 2: practical test, skinning, gutting, ect. I felt the GIZ would also frown upon me skipping two days of anything to go train to hunt. 

After arriving, talking to several people, and finding out the state department does most of the hunting. I had completely given up hope of getting to see woods and waterways as a predictor over a spectator. However after an hour and a half informative conversation all auf deutsch. I am happy to report...... drum roll please..... I WILL be joining a hunting party at the end on November. I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing, and highly doubt I will touch the firearms, but hey beggars can't be choosers right. 
hope to look like these fine fellows.

I really hope to get a kill though, maybe I'll get lucky and the guy I hunt with will let me shoot. I can dream can't I. and then I can really drink this with great pride....
For those who didn't know this is German for;
Master Hunter.

And to end it out I'd like to introduce my German family, most of them anyway.
This is Simon(Sea*mon) and his beloved Jasmin (Jaz*mean)

And this is Andreas and his wife Erika (Er*E*ka)

So from our table to Yours Essen Gut,

Cody A. Glick

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