Well this week has come and gone yet again faster than I ever could have imagined. I am once again stuck on a fence and don't know which side is better. I now only have 5 days left in the beautiful am Bodensee area, and with that only 5 days with the friends I have made here. Some I will have the pleasure of seeing again (16 americans) but others will soon leave Radolfzell and then go back to their homes (many international friends.). I am fairly excited to move to Münster, meet the new host family, start my internship, see a new place, and continue this already amazing adventure. The only worry in my mind is the breakdown of communication that will occur, with only one other PPPler in my city (actually the house next door) I won't have the close friends who speak english to hang around with. Even though my german has improved I still don't have a college understanding of it. I hope that culture shock will not affect me, but only time will tell.
So this week was pretty nicht so langweilig (not so boring) Monday and Tuesday were fairly regular for me. Am Dienstag habe ich Uno mit der CDC spealen. On tuesday I played uno with the CDC. Friday we had true italian Pizza made by the italian house meister. and I had my new toy show up.
My New Giege Showed Up!!
So of course adapting to a new culture, learning the language, and starting a new job would never be too big of a bite would it? well I didn't think so, and thus I added learning to play the violin, or Giege as the germans say, to the list. Well of course I didn't want to spend to much on an instrument that will most likely be left in Germany and that I may not even have time to learn. So i bought a cheep one for less than $50 US. With that said it's not per say the nicest instrument I've ever owned, but for something to learn on it will certainly do. after the help and guidence of several players and then one manufacturer (he builds and sells them by hand in S korea. They sell for $18725 US) I got it strung and little play time in. however even I could tell the string quality was low, so I decided to restring it with better strings. What would be better than a German geige with German made Strings? Exactly my thoughts when I bought these Pirastro Strings, and they were worth it my geige definitely sings now!
Strings, G,D,A,E
But the real fun of the week started on Mittwoch or Wednesday. As a part of my program I am required to participate in a group project; we decided on an International Abend. We would through a dance at the CDC with international music and dancing. After planning out the event I was honestly worried we wouldn't make it work out as well as we thought, But then came the day. At 12 I decided to just get started and ignore the 4:00 start time. this was a great idea and I was quickly joined my sever other members in the preparations of food and music. As the smell of spaghetti sauce and chilli filled the school it increased the creative juices and soon the room looked ready for a party.
Justin our Backer with his Pecan Pie
Me setting the silverware and what the display ended up as
Kyle assisting me with a light and sound check
Chelsea Getting ready to make her dish
Josh(left) preparing the Chillie
Sam(right) preparing a snickers salad
Britt had helped with the decorating and the cooking all evening
I was very pleased to see the evening coming together and looking like something I could be proud of. I was even more leased when promptly at 6 we had guests arriving to share the experience with us. After some mingling and essen we cranked the music and hit the dance floor, we started with the cha cha slide, one of the dances we were going to teach that evening. Then moved to the Cupid Shuffle. Sadly I have no videos or pictures at this time of the event. You see I was DJ G Lick for the night and was running the sound and ancient lighting equipment so had no time to take pictures. there may be some added at a later date after our DP (designated photographers) get the photos to me. Anyway we ended up with a great party and afterwords went with half our guests to enjoy the cool evening at a local bar.
Probably one of the most known thing about Germany is its famous Oktoberfest. Well it just happened that Oktoberfest opened yesterday (sept. 21. 13) and that the CDC was taking a trip there. So of course I got my bayern hat and my plad hemed and headed to the festival. We went to Münich home of the original Oktoberfest, and had a great time. First a trip to the Olympia tower.
Bob Dylan's Harmonica
Gene Simmons Bass
The view was amazing and unfortunately blogger doesn't like my videos so you won't be able to see it.
Then we headed to the Oktoberfest and my was it a blast. I managed to make it into a tent and get my hands on a Maß of beer along with some delicious chicken. Although I can't say that it was everything I had thought it would be It was still wonderful. My only complaint was that I would have liked more time than we had there, but theres always next year right!
I see Lederhosen and Dirndls!!!
The famous hofbrauhaus (tried to get in here but it just wasn't going to happen)
The tent I got into
Mein Bier In ein Maß
The Oktoberfest coasters and the bier I was drinking
Dinner arrived
So besides the obvious drinking, there is also a fair to attend and quite a social life to be had at the Oktoberfest. Ein Beispiel ( for example): when you go into a tent you are sat wherever there is room including with another group. In my case a lovely old couple who, when I went to take a picture of the Maß, insisted upon organizing the table for the better picture. Kyle and Myself then had about an hour of german conversation with them about everything from why we were at Oktoberfest, to their lives, to the PPP program. I still think that the entire Germans are a coconut and that Americans are a peach analogy is told to us so we are pleasantly surprised at the friendliness of the average german. I would love to attend another Oktoberfest in my life and have more of a weekend there maybe another year.
I almost forgot to explain the name of this blog,
Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit Der Gemutlichkeit (X2)
A toast, A toast, for the Gemutlichkeit.
Gemutlichkeit cannot truly be translated; however it is best said to be a coziness. However it takes it a step farther, It is the sense of belonging and inviting others to join your good time. You see this is what the Oktoberfest is about der Gemutlichkeit.
This song is played and sang so often during Oktoberfest and every time it is an obligation to stand with your bier and sway to the music. then at the end a count of OANS TWOA G'SUFFA! is yelled and everyone drinks.
Ich wünsche Euch der Gemutlichkeit,
Cody A. Glick
Tho I didn't wear them (due to the fact that they are 300 Euro) Here is what I look like in Lederhosen>.